Bob-Nosa Uwagboe

20 September 2022

Bob-Nosa Uwagboe, born in 1974 in the Edo State, Nigeria, received his professional education at the famous colorist school, Auchi Polytechnic, where he graduated with a Higher National Diploma in 2004 and specialized in painting. Bob-Nosa, after his one year of mandatory service to the nation as a member of the National Youth Service Corps at Abuja, he relocated to Lagos to set up The Protest Art Studio to transform his creative energy into an experimental path that has resulted into thought provoking themes and oftentimes spark anger, pain, passion and visions that are not often defined by the subject matters and defy the borders usually set by artistic canons. He evokes emotion with his art in which he employs diverse materials which seem unconnected at first. He often succeeds in challenging the audience to become more deeply involved with his work provoking varied interpretations and reflections mostly concerned with issues of falsehood, deception, bad leadership and reaching to the unreached.