Hannalie Taute
Hannalie Taute’s mixed media works interrogate her recurring theme around identity through the use of vintage photographs altered with tyre inner rubber inlays and hand embroidery. Remnants of a discarded past are reworked, subverting existing and historical narratives. Ghoulish, at times macabre, she reveals the night-world of colonial inheritance, the precarity of place and position, the surreality of conflicting custom and tradition through her own paracosm where fairytale characters, creatures and monsters find their way into bygone portraits. Hers is a white world that has curdled, turned rank – off. And yet, in her nightmarish vision there remains a tender, playful pathos. For Taute, nothing is ever whole or immune as she guts, replaces, stitches in an act of suturing – a stitching up of a wound or incision.
Exhibitions include 16 solo and over 75 group shows worldwide.