Pierre Segoh
A self-taught painter, Pierre Segoh (1980, Lomé) unfolds on vast canvases imaginary worlds in a luxuriant personal cosmogony where strange characters cross paths. Through a graphic approach to painting, in love with the line and the motif, his works offer a singular vision of the world, calling upon the artist’s own cultural references, while denouncing the economic, migratory and political problems traversing contemporary society as a whole. Exhibited in Togo and internationally, in 2022 he presented his work at the Palais de Lomé and at the African Artists’ Foundation in Lagos. He has also been exhibited several times between Ouagadougou and Lomé by the Goethe Institute and the French Institute. Following his residency at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris, he showed his work at AKAA 2017. His works are included in important private and institutional collections, notably that of the Fondation Blachère.