Ruan Jooste
Ruan Jooste saturates an ideal of South Africa, now. A multi-layered digital pop art mish-mash of cultural references, local brands and, tellingly, aspirational luxury import iconography merge with the vibrant colour and energy of the country’s urban landscapes, cities and townships. He draws on and celebrates shared commonalities rather than enforced agendered divisions. What may appear a naïve ideal belies Jooste’s commentary, keenly revealed – a women excuding confident strength in iconic dress stands proudly before a backdrop also displaying a common street poster advertising ‘Safe Abortions’ via a mobile number. The ‘ultimate’ status symbol of a Louis Vuitton print, embedded with a well known local drink’s logo of a cow’s head. The paradox that is South Africa now, viewed by Jooste’s subjects, perhaps neccesarily, through rose-tinted glasses.